Center for Surf Research

Jess Ponting

Our Roots

The idea for a university-based Center for Surf Research was born along the stretch of coral derivative sand between Periscopes and Lakey Peak in Hu’u, Central Southern Sumbawa in July of 1997. One perfect sunny afternoon walking back to the accommodations at Lakey Peak after a high tide surf at firing Periscopes the penny dropped. Carefully planned and managed sustainable surf tourism could be the driver to bring conservation and community development to thousands of coastal communities in the less developed world.

Center for Surf Research

The Center for Surf Research is the preeminent resource for sustainable surf tourism researchers, tourism operators, communities, governments, and surfers globally.

the problem: surfer riding a wave full of trash

The Problem

As travelling surfers continue to expand their horizons to the farthest corners of the globe they too often create a legacy of soiled destinations, disheartened and distressed communities, and missed opportunities for tourism to create sustainable local livelihoods.
surfers walking on the beach holding their surfboards

The Vision

By incorporating principles of sustainable tourism, surf tourism promotes healthy lifestyles and is a key driver for the environmental, social/cultural, and economic well being of destinations.
surfer walking to shore with board in hand

Our Mission

The Center for Surf Research is the preeminent resource for sustainable surf tourism researchers, tourism operators, communities, governments, and surfers globally.