French Professor, Anne Gombault Will Define Surfing as a Creative Industry at SDSU Surf Conference – April 26-28

Anne Gombault is Professor of organizational behaviour and management at KEDGE Business School where she heads the Creative Industries Culture Research Center (CIS). Her research covers organisational identity and strategy of arts creative industries in general, including heritage, creative regions, creative tourism. Living in South West of France where surf is one of the most important creative industry, she’s recently investigated the culture of surf in the avant-garde book of Ludovic Falaix (ed.), entitled Surf à contre-courant. Une odyssée scientifique. Surf à contre-courant (Bordeaux : MSHA).
With co-authors Aurélien Décamps and Claire Grellier of the Research Center Creative Industries Culture of Kedge Business School, Professor Gombault will be positioning and defining the surf industry as a creative industry.
Their paper aims to provide a frame of reference for a definition of surfing as a creative industry, based on a review of the literature of management and economics, along with other disciplines. This thinking is in line with the constructivist, post- and trans-modern epistemologies of creative industries, fundamentally linked to change, mobilizing creativity as a major asset, a transformational process which generates something new by combining things that already exist. The result is an extensive definition of surf as a cultural product, combining heritage and creation.