Adam Doering
Associate Professor at Wakayama University
International Association for Surfing Researchers
Center for Surf Research
Adam is an Associate Professor of sustainable tourism at the Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Japan. With a focus on continental philosophy and critical theory, his research endeavours to engage critically and creatively with the current debates regarding sustainable tourism development, travel, and transportation. He is a transdiscplinary writer and thinker who has published broadly across a range of academic fields: transportation, tourism, film studies, energy and the environment, and renewable energy. Born and raised in the Albertan prairies, Adam did not start surfing until twenty years old. Since then he has managed to find ways to work and research at some rather unusual surf locations while pursuing an academic career. While surfing with yellow-eyed penguins in the deep south of New Zealand, he completed a PhD in Tourism at the University of Otago in 2013. The ethnographic fieldwork for the thesis, entitled “Reconsidering the Travel Ideal: Freedom, Belonging and a Philosophy of Difference”, also involved several long-term research stays in what has been proclaimed ‘Japan’s Hawaii’: Miyazaki Prefecture. He is currently working to establish a research (and surfing) agenda in Wakayama by examining the intersections of surf tourism, (de)constructions of place, and belonging in the Japanese context. Feel free to contact Adam if you are keen to share ideas and experiences concerning surf research in the context of Northeast Asia.
Doering, A., & Duncan, T. (in press, 2016). The mobilities paradigm for tourism studies and “beyond”: A polemic. Tourism Analysis, 21(2). Doering, A. (in press, 2016). Freedom and belonging “Up in the Air”: reconsidering the travel ideal with Jean-Luc Nancy. In G. Blackwood & A. McGregor (Eds.), Motion pictures: travel ideals in film. Switzerland. Switzerland: Peter Lang. Rees, D., Stephenson, J., Hopkins, D., & Doering, A. (2016). Exploring stability and change in transport systems: combining Delphi and System Dynamics approaches. Transportation, 1- 17. doi: 10.1007/s11116-016-9677-7 Stephenson, J., Barton, B., Carrington, G., Doering, A., Ford, R.…Wooliscroft, B., (2015). The Energy Cultures framework: exploring the role of norms, practices and material culture in shaping energy behaviour in New Zealand. Energy Research & Social Science, 7, 117-123. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2015.03.005 Doering, A. (2015). Book Review: Tourism Imaginaries: Anthropological Approaches (Noel B. Salazar and Nelson H. H. Graburn, Eds.). Annals of Tourism Research, 54, 222–223. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2015.07.002 Stephenson, J., Hopkins, D. & Doering, A. (2014). Conceptualising transport transitions: Energy Cultures as an organising framework. WIREs: Energy and Environment. doi: 10.1002/wene.149