Sun-Young Park, Ph.D. is an associate professor at the School of Management of University of San Francisco. Sun-Young conducts research and teaches courses on strategy, marketing, and sustainable business (including corporate social responsibility). As a former management consultant for a leading multinational firm, Sun-Young has advised global firms and national government agencies in Asia Pacific and U.S. on strategy, knowledge management, financial transactions, and national/regional tourism destination marketing. While pursuing her Ph.D. at Texas A&M University, she worked as a researcher for the Texas State government, evaluating Texas State agencies’ marketing effectiveness. Sun-Young is interested in innovations and sustainable management models for surfing businesses and destinations in Asia Pacific, and U.S. Sun-Young enjoys exercising and learning about the workings of the brain and mind.
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Sun-Young Park
Associate ProfessorContact:
Sun-Young Park, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Management | University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, CA 94117
Office: 415.422.6547